Wrote this piece a while back. This came out at one of the lowest points I've had, and I haven't had very many, still young that I am. I'm not much into sharing poems, but I reckon that a blog deserves a part of your soul, so probably, as a conventional second post, let me try out reaching to you all. Hope you like it. It's something I feel, we don't do everyday: reaching out to that feeling within us to tell the truth.
Juvenile Irony
The forlorn boyish silhouette lay on the deep black rocks
Staring at the stars off the desolate costal shore
How thoughts galloped inside his mind's race field
The eeriness of the silence soothing the better part of his heart
Dehiscence of the unspoken words
The emotional mayhem tiring his core
He sat up to the perfection of the crashing waves
Then, sniggered at the waste decorating the bay
Oh, he wanted to speak up
Oh, he wanted to stand up
Making the world a better place,
Or so, had he sworn during his finer days
For at the root of despair lay lies
He was immersed in a sea of deceit
For as the ripples retracted, he saw truth
And lost, he could only reminisce about clearer memories
Friends, foes; he had got it all intwined
Like drops of the ocean washing the sand particles
The hidden was, but a recognisable secret
So what do you do, when the known becomes a mystery
Lifting his soul, soothing his ache
The blue calming his burning red
Oh he wrote, to be washed away soon:
The truth matters, so tell it… no matter what...
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